Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Republican Confusion

Maybe the cons on the Hill are still filibustering a vote on an issue at this hour. An issue there is much confusion on.

Yesterday, going into the debate, Mitch McConnell stated that the war in Iraq is the most important issue facing the country. However, David Vitter, his colleague from Louisiana, who thinks it okay for others to resign because of being caught in immorality but not he himself, thinks that gay marriage is the biggest issue facing the nation. And he made that declaration a year after Hurricane Katrina destroyed the major city of his home state! So I wonder how that debate will pan out between the two of them, and just how Vitter would vote.

Then we have a report I saw on CNN about the "sea-change" of security in Baghdad. Yessiree, the Iraqis are ready to take it on themselves. Which is surely what Maliki meant when he said the US could leave any time. But wait, as usual, the number of ready divisions to ensure that security is once again a yo-yo number.

And, to make for more confusion, there are now reports stating that we may need even another escalation of troops. Wha?

Is it any wonder that the only constant here is dying US soldiers? I don't think these Republicans could manage a fight between two year olds in a sand box.

It does point out though that Bush had no idea what he would create when he invaded Iraq. Not only did he not pursue the real enemy; which according to recent reports is back to nearly full strength, what ever that means, he upset the balance of power that existed between the Shiia and Sunni, and our presence or lack thereof in Iraq will do nothing to appease the strife between these two branches of Islamic believers.

So the fear mongering has begun with reports of more attacks imminent in America (that will make Arkansas GOP chair Dennis Milligan proud) from an enemy we have spent years ignoring because the Bush administration was more focused on Iraqi oil than justice. In fact, the lack of concern of justice in the Bush administration has become so evident that even this fear mongering will only become food for the talking heads that try to convince the faithful to vote Republican for more of the same lack of commitment and attention to not only justice but national security as well. The other 71% of the American population uses it's common sense to see that the Republican ideas of justice, national security, and just plain old governing are a complete failure. And an expensive one at that.

Just to add to the confusion, the Vice President states he doesn't belong to the executive or legislative branch of the government. No wonder there's confusion. I'd like to hear the talking heads explain the Constitutionality of that claim!


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